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Recent Activities


12.2024. Wish You Happy New Year by Zhu Yi performs at Yihai Theater in Shanghai, 12/24/2024-1/5/2025

《致新年快乐》2024年12月24日 - 2025年1月5日在上海艺海剧院演出,编剧朱宜,导演马俊丰,主演刘令飞,原创音乐五条人,制作公司上海开心麻花。

09.2024. Short fiction Little One by Zhu Yi published on Fiction World Magazine


06.2024. Fiction workshop at Oxbelly Retreat in Costa Navarino, Greece

06.2024. National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan's Literature Department hosts a staged reading of Holy Crab! by Zhu Yi, 6/5, 2024.


05.2024. National Central University of Taiwan's English Department performs Holy Crab! by Zhu Yi as thesis production, 5/2-4, 2024.


04.2024. Workshop and closed-door reading of The Egg Freezing Musical at Ensemble Studio Theater, NYC

Book and lyrics by Zhu Yi, music by Yoonmi Lee, directed by Seonjae Kim

02.2024. I Am a Moon by Zhu Yi tours to Sichuan Grand Theater, Chengdu, 2/25-26, 2024.


02.2024. Wish You Happy New Year by Zhu Yi premieres at Shanghai Grand Theater main stage, 2/2-2/4, 2024.

A stage adaptation of Xu Yigua's novel "Wish You Happy New Year" by Zhu Yi


11.2023. Interviewed by and featured on Numéro Art China (2023 Winter Edition)


10.2023. Wish You Happy New Year by Zhu Yi starts rehearsal in Shanghai



10.2023. Staged reading of The Year of the Harvest by Zhu Yi in Beijing, as part of Sound & Fury festival

《丰收之年》在声嚣剧读节举行剧本朗读会,导演孙书悦,北京中间剧场, 10月15日晚7:00

08.2023. You Never Touched The Dirt by Zhu Yi performs at China Grand Theater in Shanghai



12.2022. Concert of "Frozen: The Egg Freezing Musical" at Science in Theater Festival

Book and lyrics by Zhu Yi, music by Yoonmi Lee, directed by Mei Ann Teo, music directed by Ok Kyun Kang. Dec 11, 7pm at The Tank.

音乐剧《冰冻》节选12月11日晚上7点在科学戏剧节演出,地点The Tank,朱宜编剧和作词,李允美作曲,导演Mei Ann Teo,音乐总监Ok Kyun Kang

05.2022. Short play Thank you For Visiting Me by Zhu Yi published by ITI/UNESCO in Japanese


04.2022. A Deal by Zhu Yi in Boston in two languages

Two versions of the staged readings of A Deal will be presented at Pao Arts Center (99 Albany Street, Boston, MA, 02111) on April 2 (English version) and April 9 (Mandarin version), co-directed by Michelle Aguillon and Tianding He, produced by CHUANG Stage, Pao Arts Center, and Asian American Theatre Artists of Boston.


01.2022. Short fiction Ghost As a Verb by Zhu Yi published on Fiction World Magazine


01.2022. Short play Thank You For Visiting Me by Zhu Yi in Japan

Translated into Japanese and produced by Japanese Centre of International Theatre Institute


01.2022. Short story Group Chat by Zhu Yi is available on Soundcloud

Group Chat is produced by Post Theatre Collective, commissioned by the Network of Finnish institutes as part of Together Alone 2.0 programme.

12.2021. I Am a Moon: Collected Plays by Zhu Yi is ranked Top 5 in Books of the Year on Douban



12.2021. I Am a Moon by Zhu Yi receives five nominations at Chinese Theatre Awards, including 

Best Small Theatre Production of the Year

Best Revival of a Play

Best Set Design

Best Investor

Best Emerging Actor








11.2021. Zhu Yi is commissioned by Ensemble Studio Theatre and The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to write The Egg Freezing Musical (working title)

A new musical about two women's egg freezing journeys across the border. It explores the history of reproductive justice, female friendship, adventures in a foreign land, and the poetry in defending our most primal instinct with technology.

10.2021. New book releasing - 

I Am a Moon: Collected Plays by Zhu Yi, published by Yilin Press



9.2021. National tour of I Am a Moon - 

First stop: Great China Theater, Shanghai, 9/9-12, directed by Ding Yiteng, produced by Drum Tower West Theater

《我是月亮》鼓楼西制作版本全国巡演第一站:中国大戏院(上海)9月9日-12日​, 丁一滕导演,音乐丁可


7.2021. Short fiction coming out -

Hair and Skin, published on Fiction World Magazine


6.2021. New production premiering in Beijing -

I Am a Moon, 6/13-27, Drum Tower West Theater, Beijing, directed by Ding Yiteng


5.2021. Theater production toured to Shanghai -

You Never Touched The Dirt, 5/8-9, Shanghai Culture Square, directed by Kou Xiaodan & Liu Yang, produced by Nanjing University MFA Theater Company


2.2021. Short fiction published -

Phoenix, published on T Magazine (Chinese edition)


6.2020. Short play published -

Thank You for Visiting Me, in the book "The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues: New Monologues Created During the Coronavirus Pandemic", Methuen Drama

英语短剧剧本《谢谢你来看我》收录于《24小时戏剧独白 - 在新冠病毒大流行期间创作的新独白》一书中,由梅特文戏剧出版社出版



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