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Apolitical Romance

Feature length 剧情长片

A budding romance between two people with opposing political views.

Director 导演: Hsieh Chunyi 谢骏毅

Screenwriter 编剧: Hsieh Chunyi 谢骏毅, Fu Kailing 傅凱羚, Zhu Yi 朱宜

Staring 主演: Huang Lu 黄璐, Zhang Shuhao 张书豪

A nerdy Taiwanese boy helps a spunky Sichuan girl to search for her grandma's long lost first love, who went to Taiwan with the KMT army 60 years ago. The only clue they have is a name: Chen Guang. They decide to meet every old man named Chen Guang in Taiwan on a motorcycle.



New York Asian Film Festival 2014

Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival 2014

Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival 2014

World Film Festival of Bangkok 2013

Best Feature Nomination, Taipei Film Festival 2013

San Francisco Film Society 2013

Hawaii International Film Festival 2013

Udine Far East Film Festival 2013

Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 2012

台北电影节“最佳剧情长片”提名 2013

日本福冈电影节开幕电影 2014

纽约亚洲电影节 2014

阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯影展 2014

台湾星空卫视电影台 2014

美国旧金山电影协会 2013

泰国曼谷国际电影节 2013

美国夏威夷国际电影节 2013

香港国际夏日电影节 2013

台北金马影展 2012

意大利乌迪内远东电影节 2012



Short documentary 纪录短片

Director 导演 / Producer 制片 / Editor 剪辑: Zhu Yi 朱宜

2008 in Gulou District, Nanjing, a street vendor's fruit pushcart is "temporarily confiscated" by the local urban management officers for occupying the pedestrian without a license. The film follows the vendor's exhausting and absurdism journey of getting back his pushcart and decaying fruit from the system.


Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival 2014

Hong Kong Summer International Art Festival 2012

Hong Kong University Film Festival 2012

Alcances Film Festival 2010

Chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival 2009

Beijing Independent Film Festival 2008

台湾国际纪录片影展 2014

香港夏日国际艺术节 2012

香港大学电影节 2012

​重庆独立映画展 2009

西班牙大西洋电影节 2010

​北京独立电影节 2008

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