
"Awareness of a changing environment is piercing our consciousness like a bobcat clawing into the earth, but Zhu Yi wants us to dig even deeper." (click to read more)
- The Universe Doesn't Cast Leading Roles: Zhu Yi's You Never Touched the Dirt, Billy McEntee, The Brooklyn Rail

Chinese playwright Zhu Yi's witty play explores the dramatic transformation of China.
(click to watch an excerpt from the staged reading of the play at Edinburgh International Festival)
- You Never Touched the Dirt: Tradition and modernity clash in China, BBC

"A Deal, by Zhu Yi, is a play that was crying to be written, its subject matter now front and center." (click to read more)
- ‘A Deal’ and Consequences, Beatrice Williams-Rude, Theater Pizzazz

"In the Taiwanese film 'Apolitical Romance,' boy meets girl, they bicker their way through a series of misadventures, and they eventually end up falling for each other. That's standard romantic-comedy formula, but there's a twist." (click to read more)
- Romance Gets Political in New Taiwan Rom-Com, Jenny Hsu, Wall Street Journal

"She has constructed these human characters; even though it's specifically China, it transcends an individual culture." (click to read more)
- Play explores young Chinese woman's ambitions - and art - in New York City, Hong Xiao, China Daily

"Internationally known playwright Zhu Yi has given New Yorkers a gift with A Deal...this rich work has multiple layers and is by turns wonderfully thought-provoking, deeply troubling and oddly funny." (click to read more)
- Cathy Hammer, The Unforgettable Line
"Eschewing conventional social criticisms and weighty burdens often found in narratives about contemporary China, Zhu Yi has created a play that smartly presents parts of the contemporary Chinese experience through regular people who are products of an ascendant China." (click to read more)
- “I Am Who I am”: An Interview with Playwright Zhu Yi, Andrew Shiue, Beyond Chinatown

"Her cross-cultural background has given her a unique writing style. In her plays, she explore cultural conflict through a personal lens." (click to watch the interview)
- Shanghai Playwright Breaks Chinese Immigrant Stereotypes, Xie Yi, News China Magazine

"Offering a fascinating examination of our collective biases and how we are shaped by our beliefs, A Deal will make you think about how the political is personal." (click to watch the interview)
- Ann Pryor, Plays to See

"Zhu — who attended both Nanjing University in China and Columbia University in the U.S., studying astronomy, physics, and mathematics alongside drama — says that budding writers who accumulate a variety of pursuits outside the classroom are more likely to draw on their experiences when they create something original." (click to read more)
- What Is the State of New Plays In Contemporary China?, Nina Huang, Six Tone & The Theatre Times

"Zhu Yi’s A Deal explores the illusory deals society makes to human beings that cross international waters like, work hard get rewarded or simply trust that life will guide you right." (click to read more)
- Theatre Review: Zhu Yi's A Deal Shows the Pact Between Immigrant and Country, Diandra Reviews It All

"Zhu Yi is a playwright who writes in English and Chinese. Her stage and film works have shown just how far creativity can go. Get one on one with her on this episode of WE Talk." (click to watch the TV interview)
- SinoVision TV Channel

"The University of Sydney Union and Flying House Assembly present the Australian debut of A DEAL by ZHI YI, China’s leading female playwright." (click to read more)
- A Deal by Zhu Yi@Chippen Street Theatre, Lynn Belvedere, Sydney Arts Guide

“Holy Crab!(中譯名《異鄉記》),是第一屆「全球泛華青年劇本創作競賽」的首獎作品,為劇作家朱宜所寫的英文劇本。劇本把兩個看似無關的故事精巧地編織在一起,引出耐人尋味的聯繫……競賽工作小組特別越洋訪談劇作家朱宜,聊聊這部劇本和個人的創作歷程。”(点击阅读专访)