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How Time Flies 时间都去哪儿了

Qian has been a faithful man his entire life, until he falls in love with the nurse who is supposed to be caring for his wife, who has been in a coma for years following a stroke. His adult children are determined to stop this scandalous affair.

Based on singer/songwriter's Wang Zhengliang's hit song "How Time Flies".

钱老师的子女一向忙于自己的生活事业,很少回家探望老人。然而最近,他们突然每天都往父母家跑。林老师成为植物人已有8年。丈夫钱老师和保姆共同照顾她,在同一屋檐下朝夕相处了8年。渐渐地,两人越来越默契,相处的样子倒看上去像这个家的男女主人了。一些蛛丝马迹让子女们警觉起来。兄妹二人一拍即合 ,自觉担负起了为母亲“抓小三”的义务——“决不能让这个狡猾的乡下女人迷惑了老爷子,骗去家里的财产、房产,还有城市户口!”



Production History

April 2015: National Theater of China, as part of 2015 China Original Drama Invitational Exhibition, dir. Li Bonan

2014-2015: National tour in China, dir. Li Bonan 全国巡演,导演李伯男

2015: Published on New Drama Journal (NO. 4 2015) 新剧本杂志 第四期

October 2014: Beijing People's Art Theater - Capital Theater, dir. Li Bonan 北京人艺 - 首都剧场,导演李伯男

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